Wellbeing: Senior School

Building the wellbeing toolkits for students as they prepare to make a difference.

As a community, focusing on wellbeing allows students to feel more connected with their peers and become agents of their health. Wellbeing is also the wrap-around for academics; when students are thriving mentally and physically, they have the motivation and confidence to engage at high levels of learning. In the Senior School, this includes an emphasis on expanding their knowledge base on how their brain works and applying the skill sets through experiential and collaborative learning opportunities. The application and practice of these acquired skills ensures that students are able to navigate adversity with confidence. At its core, our goal is for students to build personal toolkits providing them with the sense of agency required to identify their needs and the ability to access appropriate support.


Dedicated to Wellbeing

In the Senior School, students participate in a variety of lessons and activities developed by Teacher Advisors, Guidance Counsellors and our Social Workers, which engage them in learning various tools, skills and concepts to enhance wellbeing. Self-awareness and compassion are a key focus of the wellbeing programming in Grades 9 and 10. Students are introduced to proactive strategies for dealing with change, problem-solving and ways to build supportive relationships. In addition, the building blocks for effective communication skills are thoroughly explored and practiced. Strengths, growth and values-alignment skills are the focus in Grades 11 and 12, as well as the exploration of university pathways and then the application to their next steps, including scholarships.

Student Support

Our approach to wellbeing at Havergal is based on the premise that the adults in a child’s life have the largest impact on student wellbeing. Building strong, intentional relationships and modelling skills are key priorities and the basis of a thorough professional development program in the school that focuses on a proactive approach to student health and wellness.

The Senior School approach to wellbeing is relational. The goal is to create a positive and nurturing school culture whereby students become self-advocates for their individual, as well as their community wellbeing needs. A team of dedicated professionals are available to nurture, support and guide them as they navigate life’s challenges and successes—Guidance Counsellors, Social Workers, Nurses and a Doctor in our Health Centre, as well as our School Chaplain.

View from behind of friends in Havergal green uniforms locked arm in arm.

Physical Wellbeing

Physical health is an important component of student wellbeing and is woven into every aspect of the school. The program centres around health promotion and encourages students to explore the many and varied approaches to achieving physical health and wellbeing, ensuring that students feel confident engaging in movement as part of their weekly routine. There is a focus on athletics and co-curricular involvement and students are encouraged to participate in one of the plethora of activities available to them.


The Senior School assembles as a community for Prayers two times a week in the Brenda Robson Hall to reflect and deepen the school’s purpose in the world. Prayers provides an opportunity for our community to have a shared experience, learn and celebrate together and to experience our Anglican affiliation with openness, curiosity and reflection. We create opportunities for students from a variety of faiths to share their traditions, beliefs and cultures. During Prayers, we seek to prompt questions, deepen insights and celebrate our community, inviting each of us to reflect on these ideas and apply them to our own lives.

Students sit on the floor in the Brenda Robson Hall for Prayers.