Grade 11 students are engaged in the full life of the school, with a commitment to their academic responsibilities and co-curricular activities. Students increase their focus on post-secondary planning. They are taught to utilize resources to find information and are encouraged to not just follow the common path, but to leave no stone unturned in examining their options. Through workshops, group sessions, individual meetings and university admission visits, students are exposed to an array of options that lie before them outside of Havergal. At this age, students also have the opportunity to take on more leadership roles through co-curriculars such as clubs and community partnerships.
Key Learning Outcomes
- Develop increased competence in mathematics, understanding complex concepts.
- Improve their ability to write coherently and with attention to the needs of their audience.
- Develop learning skills, social skills, a sense of social responsibility and the ability to formulate and pursue educational and career goals.
- Demonstrate curiosity and interest in learning with the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks.
- Persevere and make an effort when responding to challenges.
- Take responsibility for their actions, with a focus on living Havergal’s values, and striving to contribute positively to their community.
- Respond openly to the ideas, opinions, values, rights and traditions of others.
Curriculum at a Glance
As students progress through the Senior School, they have increasing choice and flexibility in the design of their program, with the constant element being academic rigour. Grade 11 students also have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement courses to help prepare for their post-secondary pathway. Students focus increasingly on their individual interests to broaden their knowledge and skills and prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. Students develop close relationships with each other as they work together on collaborative projects and learn to argue their position using textual evidence. Courses that students take are more demanding and require more thought and time.