Wellbeing: Junior School

The connection between our students’ wellbeing, social and emotional learning, and academic success has never been more important.

Havergal knows that positive mental health and wellbeing are foundational to an individual’s ability to make positive, responsible decisions, create frameworks to achieve their goals and build positive relationships with others. Our focus in the Junior School is on helping students develop the intra- and interpersonal skills they need to flourish throughout their life. They learn to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their emotions resulting in increased self-awareness, academic achievement and positive behaviors.

Our Wellbeing Framework comprises six domains: Psychological, Social, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual. Programming is led each day by Homeroom and Specialist Teachers in the Junior School. They work with students during these times to explore wellbeing topics that reflect the needs and interests of the students at each developmental stage.


Why Wellbeing Matters

Our holistic approach to wellbeing informs all other aspects of our students’ education and prepares them for whatever may lay ahead. Our overarching objective is to help our students flourish in their education journey, build resilience against adversity, increase their awareness of self and others and develop a sense of belonging within our community. Our integrated Wellbeing Program is responsive to the developmental needs of our youngest learners and founded on evidence-based research.

Supporting Overall Health & Connection

Starting in Junior Kindergarten, students learn the tenets of wellbeing and why it is important. The link between student wellbeing, social and emotional learning and academic success has never been more apparent, with belonging being an essential component. Key to this is each student’s connection to the range of groups in which they belong, including their Homeroom Group, grade, House and the broader student community.

Developing Mindsets of Advocacy

Teachers support students in self discovery: who they are, what they can accomplish and how to become the best version of themselves. In the Junior School, students are provided with the skills and confidence to self-seek help, foundational tools for the development of personal agency and empowerment of the self. Teachers help to guide conversations among students, provide structure and direction and allow students the time and space to engage in their own wellness journey.

Spiritual Wellbeing

In the Junior School, our approach to spiritual wellbeing is responsive to the needs of the community. Moments of quiet reflection offer infinite value. While our Anglican affiliation provides the foundation for spiritual life as a school, we have a multi-faith community. We foster respect for and understanding of the religious traditions and teachings of other faiths. Students have opportunities to contemplate their spiritual life through celebrations, intellectual pursuits and Prayers.