Artistic expression is integral to the Havergal experience.
The Arts plays a vital role as part of a well-rounded education. Its aim is to cultivate creative and critical thinkers who have confidence in their abilities to express and communicate ideas. Our students thrive in the visual and performing arts, where they are supported in a challenging learning environment that integrates theory, history and cultural appreciation as they practise in a hands-on setting. Students develop skills and a high level of technical proficiency in each of the art forms, including music (vocal and instrumental), visual and media arts. Through the Arts program, our students can embrace a collaborative approach to the integration of a wide range of disciplines as they apply their new learning to new contexts. Throughout the year, students showcase their artistic talents in a variety of performances and presentations.
Express Yourself
Experiencing the Arts
Students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 experience the full spectrum of the Arts. Guided by teachers and instructors who have specialized in their craft, each student is provided with a creative means of finding their unique voice. The Junior School Arts curriculum is organized around three major strands: creating and presenting/performing; reflecting, responding and analyzing; and exploring forms and cultural contexts.

Creating & Presenting/Performing
Focuses on the student’s creative use of various art forms to express and communicate feelings and ideas. Students are engaged in the creation of art and are encouraged to be inventive and imaginative in their thinking.

Reflecting, Responding & Analyzing
Focuses on the student’s awareness and communication of emotional and intellectual responses to works of art. Students use the critical analysis process to analyze, discuss and interpret their own works and those of others.

Exploring Forms & Cultural Contexts
Focuses on the student’s awareness and understanding of how the various arts have developed in various times and places, and of the role of the different arts in a student’s own life.