Grade 5 Overview

Grade 5 is a year of consolidation of ideas, concepts and skills as students independently manage themselves, their materials and their social relationships. This is a year where learners seem to remember ideas more easily and apply them with greater ease. They enjoy rules, order and figuring out how the world works. 

In Grade 5, students are introduced to digital literacy, with our four core values in mind: Integrity, Inquiry, Compassion and Courage. Our comprehensive Grade 5 program will arm students with the tools they need to navigate the challenges and opportunities that accompany an increasingly digital world. Students also use their reading skills as a powerful learning tool. They learn about a variety of topics, build their background knowledge and vocabulary and experience differing opinions and viewpoints. 

The mathematics program balances the acquisition of knowledge, procedural skills and understanding. The instruction is delivered in different modes such as direct teaching, almost always with hands-on activities and the use of manipulatives—the development of an understanding and learning by doing.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Transfer academic learning to authentic experiences.
  • Build and test their skills of digital knowledge and awareness.
  • Build knowledge of emerging futures and skills.
  • Reflect on experiences and integrate them into the real world.
  • Develop ethical responsibility: critically challenge perspectives through ethical, productive dialogue.

Curriculum at a Glance

Havergal’s Digital Wisdom course is introduced in Grade 5, beginning a journey that culminates in Grade 8. The Digital Wisdom course focuses on identity building, perspective-taking and procuring a toolkit of skills and strategies to navigate the various obstacles our students experience in their real and digital lives. The framework of concepts and experiences our students explore helps them build a foundation for thriving in the digital era. Students will also delve deeper into language arts, math, data management, science and social studies. 

The Grade 5 Visual Arts program encourages students to grow conceptually, artistically and technically while becoming more independent in making decisions in the creative process. The critical analysis process is emphasized to develop students’ ability to respond, interpret, make connections and appreciate their own art, the art of their peers and that of diverse artists.