Inside Havergal

Enacting Our Commitment to Wellbeing
Krista Koekkoek, Vice Principal of Student Life & Wellbeing
The message of prioritizing wellbeing is everywhere. You can’t listen to a podcast, scroll your social media or roam a bookstore without words about prioritizing self-care or putting yourself first. And to what end? It’s a challenging time to consider what it means to be well.
I read a piece this year by Dr. Tracy Dennis Tiwary, a researcher and professor in psychology and neuroscience at City University in New York. In it, she confirms that we now know more about mental health and wellbeing than at any other point in history. We have more strategies, tactics, support people and self-help books than ever before.
Yet, rather than have less “unwell” in the world, we seem to be experiencing increasingly more. And despite what some will say, there actually is no single cause for it. Not our phones. Not our social media. Not our lack of getting out for a run this morning or having protein in our shakes.
There is not one thing that has single-handedly hurt our wellbeing.
Dr. Tiwary wonders—and so do I—if we have all tried to pursue ‘too much’ when it comes to our mental health. Are we overdoing it when it comes to figuring out how to feel okay in the world? Is there just too much pressure to live our best life?
What if we reminded ourselves and taught our girls that we are enough?
I am going to say that again. We are enough. Right now, in this current moment, we are all we need to be.
And we need you. We need your daughters. The world needs your daughters just as they are. Not fixed. Not perfect. Not changed. Not self-helped out.
They are enough.
What if wellbeing is not a task or an item on a checklist but a way of being? Enter Havergal’s Commitment to Wellbeing. A commitment that puts strengths and growth, compassion, self-awareness and living a values-aligned life at the centre of its priorities. It’s not a task, but a way of being.
So we commit at Havergal to not touting the latest trends in “happiness,” but rather preparing young women for the inevitable ups and downs of life, and having the confidence to authentically be their whole selves, setting the boundaries they need to feel fulfilled, contributing to something greater than themselves, with a curiosity for learning and growing.

Message from the Chair of the Board of Governors
Jill Fraser
New Year’s greetings from the Board of Governors. We extend our warmest wishes for a happy and healthy 2025.
As the second term begins, we should pause to reflect on the eventful start of the school year. We commenced 2024-25 with excitement for the many engaging co-curricular and athletic events and for the opportunity to once again join together as a community for Celebration Saturday and Reunion Weekend later in September. Thrive Week returned to promote mental health awareness and highlighted some of the strategies and skills that students can use to improve their wellbeing. A number of student-initiated Junior School Wellbeing Clubs emerged after our initial Thrive Days this year, including the Grade 3 Wellbeing Kids Club, the Grade 4 Positivity Club and the Grade 5 Beading Club. There are 14 winter athletic teams and 198 athletic spots and we’re excited that 224 athletes have participated in 464 athletic spots since September. We hosted our first Gator Games of the year in the Fall, with our teams supported by students proudly wearing green and gold! First term closed with a series of Christmas concerts. The traditional Upper School Carol Service held at St. Paul’s Bloor Street Church was a delightful evening of carols and lessons. The Grade 1 to 6 Christmas Concert was a beautiful event also held at St. Paul’s Bloor Street, while the Kindergarten Holidays Concert was held in the Junior School. It was, once again, a fantastic way to move into the holiday season!
As we plan for the next school year, we want to remind parents/guardians that the opportunity to apply to serve on the Board of Governors or a Board Committee is currently open. The Board of Governors Application Form is located here, and I encourage you to become involved. This year, the Board is especially interested in identifying potential candidates with one or more of the following: governance experience serving on a philanthropic board and/or charitable foundation; capital infrastructure and development oversight experience; CEO/C-suite experience; and marketing, communications and public relations management experience. The application due date is Friday, February 7, 2025. Applications will be reviewed in February/March with interviews taking place in March/April for those selected. Additional details on the role and responsibilities of Board and Committee members can be found here. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
We have accomplished great things so far and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve throughout the rest of the year. I’m delighted to see our school values of integrity, inquiry, compassion and courage at work in the school and our community. Thank you all for your efforts and support as we navigate 2025 together.
This Month

Thriving Together—Nurturing Wellbeing in the Junior School
Junior School Head Kate White and Assistant Head Liz Watt
The wellbeing of our students is at the heart of everything we do at Havergal. Why? Because we know that a healthy and fulfilled child is better equipped to learn, grow and thrive. When students feel safe, supported and valued, they are more engaged in their academic work and develop the confidence to take on new challenges. Prioritizing wellbeing also strengthens their social-emotional skills, such as empathy, resilience and teamwork, which are essential for building strong relationships and navigating life’s ups and downs. In order for this to happen, students need to develop a toolkit of strategies that they can use not only now, but also in the future.
This year, we shifted from having a “Thrive Week” early in the year, to having a series of “Thrive Days” throughout the year, where we have introduced our students to a variety of tools they can use and practise. The purpose of these days is to:
- Normalize the human experience of emotion and reduce stigma.
- Acknowledge that wellbeing is unique and diverse.
- Support reflection and awareness building in what community members need to be well.
- Provide new tools/skills to cope with life’s challenges.
- Align with Havergal’s Commitment to Wellbeing.
On Thrive Days, all members of the Junior School community, including teachers, take part in a variety of activities aimed at exploring new tools for their wellbeing toolkit. While we recognize that not every strategy works for everyone, our goal is to offer an opportunity for individuals to try new approaches, refresh their resources and swap out what no longer serves them. Many of these tools are inspired by student suggestions on what has been most effective for them, and several students actively contribute by leading Thrive activity sessions. Some examples of activities include cosmic yoga, mindful colouring, guided meditation, gratitude sessions, beading, chalk colouring with music, origami, exercise classes and more!
We believe that fostering wellbeing is not a one-time effort but an ongoing journey. By embedding practices that prioritize mental, emotional and social health into our everyday lives—especially through initiatives like Thrive Days—we are creating a culture where students feel safe to explore, experiment and build the skills they need to flourish.

A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing in Grades 7 to 9
Kirsten Uhre, Director of Guidance, Student Support & Wellbeing
Our Grade 7 to 9 Guidance Team is dedicated to fostering student wellbeing as a foundation for academic success. Grounded in research and driven by a holistic approach, the team—made up of Ms. Winograd, Ms. Steele and Ms. Randall—provide specialized, comprehensive support through one-to-one meetings, Form activities and grade-wide sessions. Topics discussed by this passionate team of experts include time management, study skills, friendships, co-curricular activities, mental health and academic planning.
Developmentally appropriate, specialized support is tailored to the unique needs of each grade cohort. Students in Grade 7 are welcomed at the beginning of the year by their Guidance Counsellors via individual meetings, where they are given time and strategies to adjust to the transition into middle school.
This personalized care continues as students move through Grade 8 alongside their designated counsellor. Time is spent with Grade 8 students exploring their interests and passions through the course selection process.
The Grade 7 to 9 Guidance Team also runs the First Six Weeks program for new-to-Grade 9 students, which is a unique program at our school. Students who are new to the school meet with their Guidance Counsellor once per week for the first six weeks of school to ensure that they are adjusting well to the demands of high school and connecting with new friends. More specialized academic counselling takes place with Grade 9 students as they continue to explore a variety of interests and course pathways. This work is purposefully designed to enhance and take into account the importance of each student’s emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Through their unwavering commitment and thoughtful approach, our Guidance Team plays an integral role in helping ensure students are ready for the opportunities and challenges of the middle years so they can thrive.

University Counselling at HC
Heather Johnstone Director of Guidance, Academic and University Counselling
We are so fortunate at Havergal to have a team of expert Guidance Counsellors dedicated to assisting our Grads in applying to university and supporting their pathways. These Guidance Counsellors have travelled and networked extensively with universities around the globe and bring together 140 years of experience supporting student academic goal setting.
Some highlights include:
- Providing individual counselling to help students identify their strengths and interests and transforming them into university programs and, eventually, careers.
- Assisting students through the research stage to the application phase, which includes supplemental application support as well as scholarship information.
- Helping students find summer enrichment opportunities that support the development of their interests.
- Developing community programming with topics relevant to post-secondary transitions, including navigating roommate relationships and decision-making around post-secondary offers.
- Partnering with Havergal’s Human Resources Team to launch Havegal’s first “Ready, Set, Hire” workshop series, beginning with our Grads. The series will support the development of their skills in resume writing, interviewing and career networking.
- Collaborating with Havergal’s Alumni Relations Team to facilitate guest speaker series for senior students and introduce them to a variety of Old Girls/Alums to share their career journeys.
We are delighted to share that many of our students have already received early offers to outstanding post-secondary programs.

HCPA Pre-Loved Uniform and Marketplace Sale
Wednesday, February 5 at the Junior School
Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
The HCPA’s Pre-Loved Uniform Team will be holding a mid-year sale on Wednesday, February 5 from 2 to 5 pm outside the Junior School Learning Hub. Be sure to stop by to stock up on extra uniform essentials or to replace lost items.
Donating uniform items that your children have outgrown and purchasing second-hand items is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint and raise money for the HCPA at the same time.
We gratefully accept skirts, tunics, pants, polo shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, 1/4 zip sweatshirts, jogging pants and blazers. We do not accept socks, green leggings, House shirts, customized sweatshirts, spirit wear, gym uniforms or white Grad blazers.
Please note that the HCPA Pre-Loved Uniform initiative is not affiliated with Havergal’s Green & Gold Shop.
HCPA Marketplace
The HCPA Marketplace Team will also be selling some of their remaining inventory items next to the Pre-Loved Uniform table at the Junior School. Be sure to stop by to grab some HCPA swag while you still can!
Check out the HCPA Marketplace Online Shop, which is open year-round with seasonal updates.

HCPA Bake Sale
Thursday, February 13
The Bake Sale Committee will be hosting Bake Sales on Thursday, February 13 at both the Upper and Junior Schools. All students will have an opportunity to attend our delicious Bake Sale with their class. Junior School students are asked to bring up to $10 to make purchases, while US students are able to use cash, debit, credit or Apple Pay.
If you love baking, cookie decorating, making popcorn or assembling candy kabobs, we are looking for you! We welcome all types of nut-free baked good donations including cookies, cupcakes, cake pops, candy kabobs, popcorn, muffins, donuts, etc., for the sale. Please individually wrap the treats in enticing packaging with packaging ideas such as Valentine’s Day, springtime, floral, winter, Lunar New Year, unicorns, rainbows, etc.
JS Donations & Volunteer Sign Up
Please use this link to sign up for donations. We are also looking for parent volunteers. Sign up here if you can help with setup or during the Bake Sale.
US Donations & Volunteer Sign Up
Please use this link to sign up for donations. We are also looking for parent volunteers. Sign up here if you can help with setup or during the Bake Sale.

Gator Gala
Save the Date: Saturday, April 5
Get ready to savour in the delights and cultural experiences at the 2025 Gator Gala on Saturday, April 5! Middle and Senior School students and their adult guests are invited to this always popular annual event. Watch for an email in early February with all the details and a link to purchase tickets. The evening will feature a delicious meal, dancing and a few fun surprises!
As in years past, the Gator Gala Silent Auction will also be back. The auction offers something for everyone with all proceeds going to HCPA community engagement initiatives and identified school priorities.
Stay tuned for details and we look forward to seeing you there.

Junior School A-mazing Race
Save the Date: Sunday, May 4
The A-mazing Race is always one of the highlights of the year for our Junior School families—and this year will be no different! On Sunday, May 4, students and their partners (an adult over the age of 21) will join us on Havergal’s campus (outside, if weather permits) to engage in friendly competition with their House teams. In addition to participating in a series of games and challenges, participants will also enjoy snacks and refreshments, and—most importantly—have fun while connecting with other members of our JS community.
Stay tuned for more details.

Annual Report 2023-24
January brings excitement for a new year, but it is also a time to reflect on our accomplishments from the previous year. One of the things we are proud of from 2023-24 is the generosity shown by our dedicated community, which is the focus of our 2023-24 Havergal College Annual Report. The report showcases the incredible philanthropy of our community, spotlights our donors and provides an overview of the past fiscal year. We are very grateful for these significant contributions in support of girls’ education and look forward to furthering our work this year and beyond.
Inside Focus

Havergal’s Student-Led Wellbeing Council
Hadley Michael, Wellbeing Prefect
Wellbeing at Havergal is guided by a dedicated team that includes a student-led Wellbeing Council. This council recognizes that wellbeing is deeply personal, reflecting the unique interests and needs of every student. By embracing a holistic approach, the council strives to support all aspects of student life including physical, mental and emotional health.
Unique to this year, the Wellbeing Council has been working on planning and promoting Thrive Days, monthly student-led initiatives designed to prioritize meaningful activities that promote happiness, health and connection within the school community. Thrive Days are created in collaboration with key pillars of Havergal life. For example, in partnership with the Forum for Change Council, we hosted a post-Halloween pumpkin smash to symbolically release negative self-talk while repurposing some pumpkins in the process. Currently, the Wellbeing Council is focused on organizing the Hockey for Health initiative, alongside the Sports Council, which will emphasize growth and resilience in sports by continuing the conversations about mental and physical health after Hockey Day.
An exciting new development within Havergal Wellbeing this year is the community partnership with, a charity dedicated to empowering youth to promote mental health awareness through talks, summits and fundraising events.
Through’s “Be There” program, council members have been engaging in training modules to deepen their understanding of mental health and learn to recognize signs of struggle. This partnership marks the beginning of an impactful journey toward building a more informed and compassionate school community.
As the Wellbeing Prefect, I am honoured to work alongside a dedicated team to ensure that every student feels valued and supported so that they can thrive at Havergal. Together, we hope to inspire open conversations about mental health, foster a stronger sense of community and empower everyone to take steps toward promoting their health and wellbeing in all aspects of their lives.
Meet Our Faculty & Staff

Kayla Kanner
Health Centre Manager and Lead Nurse
As the Manager and Lead Nurse of the Health Centre at Havergal, Ms. Kanner’s focus is on building a healthy, well community at Havergal. With 16 years of pediatric nursing experience, including 12 years in neonatal and pediatric critical care and experience teaching nursing students at the university level, she brings specialized care, expertise and compassion to the school environment.
In addition to physical health, mental wellbeing is a priority in her work. Ms. Kanner understands the pressures students face and is available to provide a listening ear, guidance on stress management and support for mental health challenges. She works closely with guidance counsellors, social workers and other staff to ensure a holistic approach to each student’s wellbeing. Boarding students often face additional challenges being away from home. Whether it’s helping them navigate homesickness, managing long-term health conditions or simply providing a comforting presence during a difficult time, she ensures they have the care and attention they need to feel safe and supported.
In addition to direct care, Ms. Kanner teaches CPR and First Aid to all faculty members, equipping them with the skills needed to handle emergencies with confidence.
As a mother of three, promoting a culture of wellbeing is a core value of hers. She encourages both students and staff to prioritize their own health and wellness. She is proud to contribute to creating a healthy, supportive environment at Havergal.