Shirley Guo
Class of 2020
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
As a frontrunner to compete on Team Canada’s Fencing team in the 2020 Summer Olympics, Shirley was disappointed when the COVID-19 pandemic closed borders and halted competitions. She joined the team in Grade 9 and spent many weekends during high school flying to Europe and Asia with her teammates, which ignited in her a passion for travelling. “Being in a different environment and meeting new people is intimidating, but I love it,” she says. Despite her busy schedule, Shirley still found the time to get involved at Havergal in various arts-based activities and events such as the Art Club, the Mandarin Club and Beatstock (a charity talent show). Shirley continues to fence on the University of Pennsylvania’s NCAA team, where she is attending the Wharton School for business studies. She felt inspired to pursue a career in international corporate law after taking Havergal’s world issues and law courses. One day she hopes to work for the United Nations, where she can apply her knowledge and experience of the world to help others.