Nicole Ho Yat Tang
Wilfrid Laurier University & University of Waterloo
Nicole’s three years of living and learning in Boarding was a formative experience for her. During her time at Havergal, she developed resilience being far away from her home in Hong Kong and uncovered an interest in studying computer studies, something she didn’t connect with at her previous school. “I never thought I would say that computer science is my favourite subject, but I really liked how my teachers taught it at HC.” Building on what she studied in high school, Nicole is currently pursuing a double degree at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in Business Administration and Computer Science. A highlight of her time at Havergal were all of the bonding experiences, which included hanging out in the evenings and on weekends with fellow Boarding students, leading discussions as Head of the Asian Student Alliance group and cheering on the Curling Team as skip. In Grades 11 and 12, she was elected to join the Boarding Council, planning fun and engaging activities for the Boarding community alongside a group of student leaders. “In Boarding, it doesn’t matter what grade you are in because you’re friends with everyone, which is fun! The friendships I’ve made there will last a lifetime.”